Its okay to say no.
No is not a bad thing to say.
No is not something
We should be afraid
To say to anyone.
But somehow and someway,
saying no is bad.
If you say no,
Then that makes you
Look like a bad person
Or that you can’t do anything.
If you say no
That makes you careless
Or not a cool person to be around.
Its okay to say no.
In fact, its healthy.
No is a good feeling—
and helps you to not regret
your future decisions.
No can make you
Take a step back
And make your realized
How much you have overloaded
Your lifestyle.
No is the new yes
And you have to learn how to accept it.
Your “no” should be validated
And honored just like a yes.
Your “no” should be respected
And have the same standards as a yes.
It should not be forced.
Instead, it should be done for you
Not for your friend,
Partner, your cousin,
your brother, your sister,
your parents, teachers, coaches,
doctors, mentors, pastors, teammates,
bosses, idols, your pets or a stranger.
No is for you,
And only you.
It someone can’t handle
A simple no from you
Then do they really care about you?