About the Poet
My name is Ruby Nambo
Hola todxs! Hello everyone! I am from Sultan, Washington. I graduated from Central Washington University in 2020. During my undergraduate studies, I majored in English Language Arts Teaching with a minor in Bilingual Education/TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language).
I have been writing passionately since the age of eight. I first started to write short stories until middle school, where I began to write poetry, and continued since. However, when it came to performing, I started at the age of nineteen. In fact, my work has been featured in Manastash Literary Journal, New Directions for Student Leadership and many more.
When I am not writing or sharing my poetry, I spend time with family and friends, read books, riding my unicycle, running or focusing on my day job.
To get intouch with me, please feel free to e-mail me at rubynambo@outlook.com or subscribe below for updates!